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(For English version, see below)

Prozesse, Algorithmen und Architekturen für das autonome Fahren: Darum geht es beim Workshop „Programmable Processing for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle – From Classical FPGA to ACAP“ am 24. September 2020, veranstaltet von der Technischen Hochschule Ulm mit Unterstützung von Missing Link Electronics, Xilinx und InnoSÜD. Bei der 4. Ausgabe des Workshops geben erneut Referent*innen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft Einblick in verschiedene Themen rund um die Hardware-Programmierung für autonome Fahrzeuge – erstmals allerdings als reiner Online-Workshop. Bis 17. Juli können dafür Beiträge eingereicht werden.

Gesucht werden unter anderem Beiträge zu folgenden Themen (Ausschreibung auf Englisch):

  • FPGA, MPSoC and ACAP for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle
  • AI for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle
  • Processing Technologies for AD/ADAS
  • Design using C/C++/SystemC
  • Design Tools and Design Methodologies
  • Heterogeneous and Cloud Computing
  • Safety-compliant Processing (e.g. ISO 26262)
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Processing Circuits
  • Algorithms for Automated Driving
  • Architectures for the Intelligent Connected Vehicle
  • Machine Vision / Computer Vision
  • Deep Neural Networks / Deep Learning
  • Realization and Test

Bis zum 17. Juli können Abstracts eingereicht werden. Details und Kontaktdaten zur Einreichung entnehmen Sie bitte dem Call for Presentations:


English version:

Processes, algorithms and architectures for autonomous driving: Those are the topics discussed during the workshop „Programmable Processing for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle – From Classical FPGA to ACAP“ on September 24th 2020, organized by Ulm University of Applied Sciences with support form Missing Link Electronics, Xilinx and InnoSÜD. The fourth edition of the workshop will once again feature talks by experts in industry and research on various aspects of hardware programming for autonomous vehicles. For the first time, the workshop will be held online. Abstracts may be submitted until July 17th 2020.

The program committee is soliciting contributions in (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • FPGA, MPSoC and ACAP for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle
  • AI for the Autonomous / Connected Vehicle
  • Processing Technologies for AD/ADAS
  • Design using C/C++/SystemC
  • Design Tools and Design Methodologies
  • Heterogeneous and Cloud Computing
  • Safety-compliant Processing (e.g. ISO 26262)
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Processing Circuits
  • Algorithms for Automated Driving
  • Architectures for the Intelligent Connected Vehicle
  • Machine Vision / Computer Vision
  • Deep Neural Networks / Deep Learning
  • Realization and Test

Abstracts may be submitted until July 17th 2020. For further information and contact details please refer to the Call for Presentations: